NASA Eyes On Asteroids, courtesy of NASA and the Visualization Technology Applications and Development Team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

eyes on psyche

Deep within the terrestrial planets, including Earth, scientists infer the presence of metallic cores, but these lie unreachably far below the planets' rocky mantles and crusts. The asteroid Psyche offers a unique window into these building blocks of planet formation and the opportunity to investigate a previously unexplored type of world.

Countdown to Launch Period

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Key Dates / Timeline

Oct 5-25, 2023: Launch Period

2026: Mars Flyby / Gravity Assist

2029: Satellite Arrives at Psyche Asteroid

Orbit A - Characterization

Orbit B - Topography

Orbit C - Gravity Science

Orbit D - Elemental Mapping

Psyche Timeline
Infographic of Psyche mission timeline courtesy of NASA's Psyche mission

The Spacecraft

The Psyche spacecraft and solar panels, which will be built by Maxar Technologies, are about the size of a singles tennis court. The body of the spacecraft is slightly bigger than a Smart Car and about as tall as a regulation basketball hoop. The spacecraft will include a Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer, a Multispectral Imager, a Magnetometer and an x-band radio telecommunications system.

3D model of PSYCHE satellite, a mission to explore asteroid 16 Psyche. Credit: NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development